Lights, action, (turn the sound on -NOW), roll em' ..................................................................
That's not so bad is it? Like Jimi Hendrix once said, "I would like to throw my arms around you all and give you a big kiss, but man I just can't DO that.."
The next thing that I would like to do to put you in the mood for love is show you a very sweet list of 10 of the sweetest love quotes that you have ever heard. Allow me to upquote my favorite.
"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
Nothing gets you feelin love more than sweet words. Anyway, that Love is all you Need stuff was kinda fun, so maybe we should just celebrate alittle. Let me tell you just a little bit more about love from one of the masters.
Everyone knows that a person who knows love, and knows how to love themselves a little as well, is a happy person. Happy people make for healthy people.
After all of that love, I can imagine some of you may be starting to heat up a little. Maybe you might want to think of doing a little bit of you know what... Maybe you could go shopping for something sexy perhaps?

Be Healthy,
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